If you are unsure who to contact about Presbytery business please email the Presbytery Secretary who will either answer your email or forward it to the appropriate person,
Go to the Find a church page to find contacts for a specific congregation. If you want to know the location of a church have a look at this map.
Region-Riverina Saltbush Regional Minister: Rev Geoff Wellington
Phone: 0400 831 445
Email: geoffw@nswact.uca.org.au
Geoff is working half-time with the Riverina Region. Geoff is also part of the Saltbush Team:
Region–Riverina Chair: Rev Simon Hansford
Email: SimonH@nswact.uca.org.au
Region–Riverina Secretary: Jackie Strempel
P O BOX 935
Email: secretary.rp@nswact.uca.org.au
Mobile: 0429 336 645
Region–Riverina Finance: George Thomas
Email: treasurer.rp@nswact.uca.org.au
Phone: 0419 412 059
Region-Riverina Webmaster: Rev. Keith Robinson
The Webmaster is the person to contact to have changes, updates, additions or corrections made to the content of the Riverina Presbytery Web site.
email: keithr@nswact.uca.org.au
Map of Riverina Region